The Socio-psychological Impact of Clothing
The Socio-psychological Impact of Clothing
Socio-psychological Impact of Clothing
An individual’s body image plays an important role in clothing preferences and attitudes. Sontag and Lee recognized the importance of body image in relation to clothing and included a body image dimension in the Proximity of Clothing to Self-scale. They stated that body image may affect clothing behavior and clothing may affect body image and self-feelings. Thus, how we perceive our bodies can affect how we use clothing.
Research using clothing as a variable has indicated that discordance between attire and verbal message or between attire and role/stereotype can result in less positive judgments by a perceiver.
Wearing formal clothing is related to psychological formality and social distance. Whereas casual clothing is related to intimacy and familiarity. People who wear formal clothes describe themselves as more competent and rational.
Gurney et al. confirmed that competency ratings of individuals vary by their posture and their attire. They report that both men and women benefit from the dressing. Smartly and adopting a neutral posture when doing so.
Howett et al.
Finally, Conducted a study by photographing models in realistic settings and by manipulating an additional independent variable — a camisole. Furthermore, whereas it is clear that dressing provocatively can indeed have negative consequences. Also, these findings suggest that the right combination of clothing can also project power.
Women’s use of high-heeled shoes is a prevalent phenomenon in both developing and modernized societies. Lewis et al.’s Study provides evidence of high-heeled shoes’ concurrent effects on women’s lumbar curvature and attractiveness and reveals a precise, lumbar curvature-dependent effect of high heels on women’s attractiveness.
One very visible component of police identity is the police uniform. Previous studies have shown that police uniforms can induce feelings of safety in those around the uniformed person. Civile & Obhi investigated the question of whether the police uniform itself might induce a bias in social attention. Their results demonstrate that wearing a police-style uniform may induce a kind of „status-profiling” in which individuals from low-status groups become salient and capture attention.
Individuals are more aggressive. Also, when wearing a black sports kit or a hood and cap. While women are less aggressive when wearing a nurse’s uniform. These observations can be explained through the concept of enclothed cognition, a term proposed by Adam & Galinsky. Enclothed cognition is the phenomenon of people adopting the traits and properties they associate with the clothes they wear.
The Socio-psychological Impact of Clothing
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